As a practitioner, you deserve to feel abundant in your income and finances. And if you are not where you want to be now, it means something(s) is not aligned or working.

It may be your inconsistent marketing, lack of support, confusion around marketing or more. What else is going on consciously and unconsciously is that your money beliefs are playing out to attract or not attract what you want!

This episode will help you start to break free from the patterns that keep you from securing more income and feeling prosperous.

You’ll learn:

  • why you can and do deserve to be abundant
  • how money is available to you and there is enough
  • patterns that indicate that your money beliefs need attention
  • habits that keep you from attracting more prosperity
  • what money mindset is and how it works to bring you what you desire
  • 6 Step Process to Clear Negative Money Blocks so you attract more