Growing a business requires courage and confidence. You have to get out of your comfort zone and in the process it’s likely that fears will come up and your brain will try to stick with what it knows so you feel safe.

These “keep me safe” patterns in the brain are certainly helpful if there is a bear charging at you in the forest. At the same time, most entrepreneurs have imaginary bears that keep them from fully showing up and thriving in their businesses. Things like not charging enough, imposter syndrome, comparison, self-doubt, opinions of others, world circumstances and so many more.

But you are in control of your thoughts and how you allow your beliefs to affect you. I want to support you with making space for more confidence. It’s not just about changing beliefs or thinking happier thoughts it’s also about releasing any ENERGETIC blocks to move forward more successfully.

Think for a moment about something that overwhelms you in your business. Maybe it’s doing a talk, calling a referral partner, sending out a newsletter etc. This is likely to cause you to feel any stress in your body when you focus on this action.

To have more confidence to take action in addition to any mindset work, you need to work on the energy disconnect in the body. This audio and guided meditation will help!